A Journey Backwards
How the Past Hijacks the Present
Join us for an exploration into parenting with soul and connection as we work together to uncover meaningful ways to cultivate robust presence with our children. We are living in anxious times. Uncertainty and struggle is ever-present in our homes. How can we be the parent we want to be when confronted with challenges? How can we deal with our emotions in the heat of the moment? What story is a child’s behavior telling us? How can we meet the needs of children who have diagnoses?
This five module course explores how our past stories get us stuck in the present. The weekly structure includes core teachings, experiential co-regulation practices, coping skills for managing stress, homework to vitalize the material between sessions, and opportunities to share your unique situations and receive coaching. All classes are recorded and available on-demand if you cannot join live. Each registrant receives an enriching digital workbook housing informative videos, class content, and journaling prompts for deeper exploration at your own pace.
Topics Include:
Developmental Neuroscience
Mapping Our Needs
Polyvagal & Attachment Theory for Caretakers
Impacts of Trauma
Holistic Healing Modalities
Nurturing Connected Communication
What Drives Behavior
5 Week Intensive On-line Course for $250
Bonus Offer – $395 (usually $480)
Three one-hour sessions (intake with Emily & Christianna)
One Neurodevelopmental Coaching session with Emily
One Pre & Perinatal Informed Craniosacral Therapy session with Christianna during or after the class